Stilbite, sodium calcium aluminium silicate,
Formula NaCa4(Al9Si27)O72.30H2O.
Crystal system: Monoclinic.(crystals commonly occur
as sheaf-like aggregates, sometimes referred to as
Hardness: 3.5 to 4
Density: 2.2 gms/cm3
Colour: Colourless, white, yellow, pink or
Streak: Pale green
Stilbite occurs with other zeolites such as apophyllite and heulandite in cavities in basalt. Fine mineral specimens are found in basalts in Scotland and Poona on the west coast of India.
The picture shows two lovely pale pink crystals of Stilbite on a bed of grey Quartz. The specimen comes from Jalgaon, about 375 Km north east of Bombay, India.